Week 7- Art Idea Essay- The Art of Place

Desiree Jones
2 min readOct 12, 2020


Place, to me, has no concrete definition. It can be seen as a physical or abstract idea. Place can be a house right down your street or be found in the digital world such as Minecraft. These past several assignments has showed me how versatile place can be interpreted and be seen. It has showed me on how place can effect an individual’s thought process on where they see themselves in the world as.

Amelia Bauer, an internationally acclaimed artist, sees place through a physical lense and evaluates what she sees based on the history and mythological information of the area. She believes that we have been bending nature to our will in order for us to feel like we have a sense of place within the world. Another artist, Wijnanda Deroo, believes that place is something we as humans use our own personal space (home or work place)to create a sense of place. A curator, by the name of Katherine Kreisher, sees place as an ever shifting phenomenon. She believes that our sense of place stems from our identity and can evolve over time.

Place can definitely be pursued further in the virtual world, since there are many applications and games that allow us to feel a sense of place. Virtual place seems to have been accommodating to the evolution of society and to the Covid pandemic. With continuing advancement in technology, I have no doubt that “virtual” place will soon be brought to life.

Overall, I have found place to be a hard word to define. It’s versatility in the world has made it to be very apparent within cultures and societies around the world. Artists such as Amelia Baur and Wijnanda Deroo, are seeing place as an individual’s perspective of their role within the world and how they display that in their physical homes. Throughout this past semester, my sense of place has been my home. Since the Covid regulations, I am unable to find a sense of place in school or at work. As I progress closer to graduation and law school, I hope that my sense of place includes my family and friends and how I want to move up within my company. I believe that in the future, place will shift to the virtual world and have more of an abstract definition than it simply be your physical home. America will most likely find “place” within the virtual world as well, and in its a role within the world by 2024.



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