Week 6- Art Activity-Intermedia
1 min readOct 5, 2020
- The idea I choose was “Corona”cation. This whole pandemic has felt like an extended summer break, even now during the semester. I also got inspired by beer pong tables that use the same idea, which basically have painted alcoholic beverage labels on the table.
- My three media options were sketching on paper, painting on a canvas, or creating a poster using a computer program.
- I opted to paint on a canvas, since it’s a media that I am familiar with. It also makes me feel that I created something, that I created a physical piece and transformed it into something that represent my own thoughts. My piece would have been different if I choose the other media, by losing either specific details and the amount of work put into each would go down.
- I think I did quite well, since it reminds me of something that I would put up in my own dorm room. It shows how far away my mindset is during our current Zoom University . It also reminds me of how life on a college campus used to be, especially on the weekends.